Show Garden 'Silk Road'

by Laurie Chetwood and Patrick Collins from Chelsea Flower Show 2017

Tag: RHS Flower Show

by Laurie Chetwood and Patrick Collins from Chelsea Flower Show 2017
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Meconopsis baileyi

himalayan blue poppy

From early to midsummer, branching bristly stems carry several shallow, bowl-shaped, flowers in shades of sky blue to pinkish-lavender well above the tufted foliage. Ideal for the edges of a woodland where there is reliable moisture in summer.

Meconopsis baileyi (himalayan blue poppy). Size: 9cm pot



Primula vialii

Vial's primrose

Dense crimson flower spikes open from the base into vivid lilac flowers, like a purple form of red hot poker. This summer-flowering primula will add a splash of colour at the front of a shady border. Although short lived, mass plantings of the erect flower spikes create a spectacular effect and are especially well suited to formal gardens and parterres.

Primula vialii (Vial's primrose). Size: 9cm pot



Rhododendron 'Anah Kruschke'

hybrid rhododendron

Full trusses of lavish, reddish-purple flowers in May and June and handsome, dark green leaves, retained all year. This large-flowered hybrid rhododendron copes well with heat and sun. Vigorous and upright in habit it's ideal for a shrub border or woodland edge with well-drained, humus-rich, acid soil.

Rhododendron 'Anah Kruschke' (hybrid rhododendron). Size: 3 litre pot



Paeonia 'Starlight'


Lightly scented, pale yellow single flowers, each with a prominent boss of golden yellow stamens, turn creamy-white as they mature. An early flowering cultivar, the flowers will often start to open in May and will attract bees and other pollinating insects.

Paeonia 'Starlight' (peony). Size: 2 litre pot

