Fractal geometry in garden design

The Morgan Stanley Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2017 was designed by Chris Beardshaw and it's patterns were inspired by music and art. The garden contains a woodland, a terrace bursting with brightly coloured perennials and an oak and limestone pavilion. The patterns were inspired by music and art.

The woodland canopy is built with Acer campestre, Taxus baccata and Buxus semperveirens with ground planting of Hosta ‘Patriot’, Cardiocrinum giganteum and Primula. The sunny, terrace has contrasting planting including Iris, Geraniumns, Lupins, Salvias, Agapanthus and herbs to provide a jewel-like burst of colour.

Tag: RHS Flower Show

The Morgan Stanley Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2017 was designed by Chris Beardshaw and it's patterns were inspired by music and art. The garden contains a woodland, a terrace bursting with brightly coloured perennials and an oak and limestone pavilion. The patterns were inspired by music and art.
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Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum'

brook thistle

Spectacular, deep crimson thistles appear on erect stems in July and August above spiny, dark green leaves. This handsome, towering thistle is a valuable addition to a summer garden and looks equally at home in a wildflower meadow, beside water or in groups among other perennials. Although it will tolerate dry conditions and partial shade, it does best in a moist, sunny border.

Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum' (brook thistle). Size: 9cm pot



Angelica archangelica


A majestic and impressive perennial with handsome foliage, and in early summer, rounded umbels up to 25cm across, of small green flowers. Ideally suited to a reliably moist soil in partial to full shade, it has a striking achitectural presence and looks wonderful at the back of the border. Often short-lived, it will usually die back after flowering, but will self-seed freely if the conditions are favourable.

angelica (angelica / Angelica archangelica). Size: 9cm pot



Erigeron karvinskianus

Mexican fleabane

Masses of small daisies, emerging white, then turning pink, with yellow centres, give this plant an unusual, two-tone effect. It has a long flowering period, from May to October, and is amazingly versatile, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil. It's also tolerant of coastal conditions. Try it as an edging plant in a mixed border, alongside paths, in a gravel garden, spilling over walls, or planted in the cracks in paving. Bees and butterflies love all erigerons, so they make a wonderful addition to a wildlife garden, too.

Erigeron karvinskianus (Mexican fleabane). Size: 2 litre pot

